Centrul național de transfuzie a sângelui

1. Myth:

        Donating blood is a painful and dangerous process. Fact: The blood donation process is actually relatively painless and safe. You feel a brief sting at the beginning, and the rest of the donation is generally painless. Our team of experienced professionals make sure the process is as comfortable as possible and all instruments used are sterile and disposable.


2. Myth:

      Donating blood weakens the body and leads to chronic fatigue. Fact: A blood donation does not significantly weaken the body. After donation, the body quickly replenishes the volume of blood lost and energy levels return to normal within a short time. It is important to take care of yourself after donation, to hydrate and eat properly to support your recovery.


3. Myth:

     Women cannot donate blood regularly. Fact: Women can donate blood as regularly as men, provided they meet the established eligibility criteria. Unlike men, women may be affected by menstruation or pregnancy, which can lead to a period of temporary ineligibility. However, when eligible, women can contribute to saving lives by donating blood just as much as men.