Centrul național de transfuzie a sângelui


  • Serviciu cancelarie :  singe@ms.md                                             
  • Contabilitate : contabilitate@cnts.md                                            
  • Serviciu juridic :  jurist@cnts.md

Director EN 022 10-90-80
022 10-90-85
Deputy director 022 10-90-75
Deputy Quality Director 022 28-76-64
Service of the Chancellery , Chisinau 022 10-90-80
Information bureau 022 10-90-55
022 10-90-65
Legal service 022 10-90-51
Human resources 022 10-90-52
Chief nurse 022 10-90-52
Section of information technology / IT 022 10-90-60
Economics and Accounting Section 022 10-90-70
Pharmacist 022 10-90-60
Section of monitoring, audit and integration of hemotransfusion assistance services 022 22-51-07
Section of Afferent Treatments and Insurance of Medical Institutions Blood Products No.1 022 10-90-50
022 28-15-40
Propagation and Medical Examination of Donors No.1 022 10-90-50
022 28-15-40
Blood Components Collection and Processing Section No.1 022 10-90-66
Donor Testing Laboratory, Blood Blood Components No.1 022 10-90-51
Reference Laboratory in Immunohematology 022 28-15-40
Section of Afferent Treatments and Insurance of Medical and Sanitary Institutions Blood Products No.3 0299 8-13-05

Quality Control Laboratory Blood Products and Infusable Solutions 022 10-90-77
Blood Products Production Department 022 10-90-53
Administration and Household Section No.1 022 28-78-24

Deputy Medical Director 0231 7-25-53
Service chancellery, anteroom location Balti 0231 7-02-25
Information Office 0231 7-22-60
Administration and Household Service No 2 0231 7-22-60

Deputy Medical Director 0299 8-13-01
Service chancellery, anteroom location Cahul 0299 8-13-01
Information Office 0299 8-13-02
Donor propagation and medical examination section, blood/blood components collection and blood components production no.3 0299 8-13-05
Donor Testing Laboratory, blood Blood Components No.3 0299 8-13-03
Administration and Household Service No 3 0299 8-13-04
Blood Service Unit Address Phone number
Centrul Național de Transfuzie a Sîngelui 022 109055
Bălți, str. Decebal 113 0231 72260
Centrul Național de Transfuzie a Sîngelui Cahul, str. A. Mateevici 103/1 0299 81302
0265 23671
0235 21848
0269 22934
0242 24994
0243 26904
0244 21124
0236 25337
0264 26505
0241 24233
Cantemir, str. Testemițanu 1 0273 23485
0291 29027
0294 23067
0298 31891
0230 21163
0252 22593
0246 24932