Centrul național de transfuzie a sângelui

General information

The National Blood Transfusion Centre is the coordinating institution for the development of the blood service in the Republic of Moldova. It is a non-profit public institution, financed from the state budget. Its field of activity is the collection, testing, processing, preservation and distribution of blood and blood components as well as ensuring quality and health safety for their therapeutic use.

The head office is located in mun. Chisinau, 11 Academiei Street, the institution serves daily, on average, 250 blood donors / blood components, provides curative plasmapheresis services, provides testing services for blood samples, maintains the production section of blood preparations and provides quality control services for blood products and solutions.



The National Blood Transfusion Centre was awarded the Certificate of Accreditation on 05 December 2022, which is valid for a period of 5 years. (Certificate No. 1614, issued by CNTS, Chisinau mun., Academiei 11 str.).



In 1940 Dr. S. Crivoseev opened the Blood Transfusion Centre at the Surgical Hospital No. 2 in the town of. Chisinau, in the Autonomous Republic of Moldova, with over 150 registered donors.

Under the leadership of surgeon Buciumenschii, in August 1944, he reopens the Blood Transfusion Centre in the surgical ward of the Republican Hospital, receiving the first donors in the same year in December.

In 1960, under the leadership of Mrs. G. Dubovic, the Blood Transfusion Centre moved to a new, independent building on Gh. Asachi or. Chisinau, where the haematological department with 25 beds was opened.

In 1993, the subdivisions of the Republican Blood Transfusion Centre for the collection, testing and preparation of donor blood were transferred to the building of the former trauma hospital at 11 Academiei Street, where the National Blood Transfusion Centre was located. This last name comes from 15.07.2002, when the Government Decision no. 1050 of 04.10.2001 came into force, reorganizing the Republican Blood Transfusion Centre into the National Blood Transfusion Centre.

At present, the National Blood Transfusion Centre is the main institution for the organisation of blood donation and transfusion in the Republic of Moldova. At the same time, CNTS is the only Blood Bank of the Republic.

Since the beginning of the activity of the Republican Center, and now the National Blood Transfusion Center, at its direction have been: G. Dubovic, S. Traian, V. Scurtu, G. Nistiriuc, I. Midrigan, I. Grama, V. Cojocaru, L. Catrinici, Alexandru Gherman, Svetlana Cebotari.