a) anti-ABO isohemagglutinating standard serum;
The isohaemagglutinating standard serum is a transparent liquid, colored according to group membership, packed in vials. The isohaemagglutinating standard serum is prepared from blood serum, which possesses a certain blood group membership and contains corresponding antibodies (agglutinins) of the group. The standard sera are intended to determine the blood group belonging to the ABO system.
Presentation of the diagnostic preparation: the serum is released in kits, in equal quantities, respectively 2 series of groups Oαβ (I) which will be colorless, Aß (II) – will have a blue color, Bα(III) – will have a pink color. Group ABo(IV) serum is released every 1.25 ml per 15 ml of the total amount of serum of the three groups and will have a yellowish color. The serum is released in glass vials.
It is stored at a temperature of +4ºC – +8ºC. Shelf life - up to 4 months in packaged form, from the moment of opening the bottle is kept at the same temperature for 30 days, noting the date of opening.
b) standard anti-Rhezus serum;
The standard anti-Rhezus serum is a clear liquid packaged in vials. The anti-Rhezus standard serum is prepared from the blood serum that appropriately contains antibodies (agglutinins) of the Rhezus group. The standard sera are intended to determine the blood group affiliation of the Rhezus system, taking into account their specification according to the ABO system.
With anti-Rhesus sera of group O(I) the Rhezus factor is determined only in erythrocytes of group O(I), with group A(II) the Rhezus factor is determined in erythrocytes of group O(I) and A(II). With anti-Rhesus group B(III) sera, the Rhesus factor is determined in group O(I) and B(III) erythrocytes.
Presentation of the diagnostic preparation: the serum is released in 2-5 ml glass vials.
The serums will be marked on the label respectively with two blue lines for group A(II); with three red lines for group B(III); with four yellow lines for group AB( IV).
It is stored at a temperature of +4ºC – +8ºC. Validity period - 4 months, in packaged form, from the moment of opening the bottle is kept at the same temperature for 30 days, noting the date of opening.
c) universal anti-Rhezus serum;
The universal anti-Rhezus serum is a transparent liquid, packaged in vials. It is prepared from AB(IV) blood serum and contains the corresponding Rhesus group antibodies (agglutinins). The standard sera are intended to determine the blood group membership of the Rhesus system without taking into account the blood group affiliation.
It is stored at a temperature of +4ºC – +8ºC. Validity period - 4 months in packaged form, from the moment of opening the bottle is kept at the same temperature for 30 days, noting the date of opening.
d) standard erythrocytes
The standard erythrocytes present erythrocytes that contain combinations of alloantigens and are intended for the identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in the examined blood serum, packed in vials. They are prepared from erythrocyte concentrate - raw material for the production of standard erythrocytes, prepared from the blood collected from donors, the antigenic structure of the erythrocytes being determined in advance. Standard erythrocytes are intended for the identification of anti-erythrocyte antibodies in the examined blood serum.
Presentation of the diagnostic preparation: standard erythrocytes are released in glass vials. The label will contain information on the antigenic structure of the erythrocytes.
It is stored at a temperature of +4ºC – +8ºC. Shelf life - up to 60 days in packaged form, from the moment of opening it is kept at the same temperature for up to 7 days, noting the date of opening.